Saturday, July 19, 2008

The FINAL Countdown (Con't)

WOOOOOOOHOOOOOO! One final down, ONE to go!

So I just finished my final presentation and final exam for Forensic Accounting and I feel really good about it - shooting for that A! I still have a 9 page paper to write (to go with the presentation I gave today), another presentation to do and a take home 15 essay final exam (with parts a, b, & c's for each of course) to complete for Tuesday's class... going to be a busy weekend. I want to walk out of the classroom Tuesday night DONE, FINITO, NADA MAS A HACER!!!!!

3 days and COUNTING!!!

Click below for an awesome classic from the 80's (my current theme song) - FINAL COUNTDOWN BABY!!!

The 80's RULE!!!


Jones said...

today is your last day...go gett'em girl!!!

jello said...

doodle loo doo. doodle loo doo doo... IT'S THE FINAL COUNTDOWN. and then your next big step you take is right around the corner.